Friday, March 30, 2012


At last the long awaited Psych blog post! I know i've been MIA for a while, school and work have really kept me busy lately, but i'm back and ready to blog you till kingdom come! So let's get to it :)

Psych is an amazing hour long Detective sitcom (now on its 6th season) about a man named Shawn Spencer and his best friend/sidekick Burton "Gus" Guster and their work as crime consultants for the Santa Barbara Police Department. Shawn uses his observation abilities, taught to him by his Dad (Henry Spencer, a former detective), in order to convince everyone that his is a psychic detective.

The show is very well written and perfectly cast. It is great for people of all ages. Adults and children will be able to watch. The plots and the script are suitable for kids and intelligent enough for adults to enjoy.

The show is really funny and has great detective "who done it" plots. Shawn and Gus are hysterical together, and they are rather attractive if I may say so! Below are a trailer and clip for the show and links to where you can view.

To watch go to:
or go to Netflix

-Enjoy Xoxo

Thursday, March 8, 2012

We Will Fight War...With The Army of PEACE!

           Hey everyone, I know that this week (seeing as I missed last week) was supposed to be about Psych. Well it's not. I know that there has been a lot of talk about the Kony2012 video and mission that recently went viral and I would like to say that regardless of whether or not you believe in this specific mission, helping humans in need is a fundamental part of being human. Whatever the cause may be, if your participation will allow even one human to be free, then it is the right thing to do.

Over the years, I have learned a lot about the plight in other countries, and spoken with those who have overcome these devastating events. Wouldn't you want your voice to be heard if you were the one in need?

I know this isn't the post that you were expecting, but I feel very strongly about these issues and I think that the Kony2012 movement has allowed people to realize that one person can change everything. And that one million people can change the world.

Below are websites to some organizations that I have advocated for years and some that I have recently discovered and hope to share the information with as many people as possible.

People need to know what is going on in the world. Hunger, sex trafficking, abduction, murder, torture, rape. These are atrocities against Humanity, and they can be STOPPED.


Sex Trafficking:
The film "The Whistleblower"


Silent Images:

Please consider donating or raising awareness. One of the biggest problems is that no one knows about these issues. What if it was your child? What if it was you?

Xoxo- Jenna